Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Looking Forward, Looking Back

Ahhhh, New Year's Day.  The day we make resolutions to lose weight, listen to a countdown of the top 100 songs of the year, and are forced to page through the year-in-review stories in the local newspaper.  Oh, and this year we were also reminded that we are sliding down that slippery slope called the fiscal cliff.  If only the world had ended 12/21/12 like the Mayans predicted….

What I love about the New Year is that it marks a new start, a rebirth for so many of us.  We begin with a clean slate (or at least a new wall calendar) and begin to plan for the upcoming year.  It is also a time for reflection about the year that has just passed.  And 2012 has been one of the most significant years in my life. 

As I enter 2013, I am a different person than I was a year ago.  In January 2012, I had just come off of a series of “road shows” that left me exhausted, mentally and physically.  I was unhappy most of the time and relied on my usual self-medication rituals—overdoing and alcohol.  I felt trapped and didn’t know what exactly the problem was or how I would fix it.  By February, when we took our trip to Hawaii to return my in-law’s ashes, I couldn’t even enjoy the experience because I was so caught up in all of the things that needed doing.  In May, it all came to a head when I made the decision to leave my job within a year, and in August, I tore off the golden handcuffs and leapt into the void.  My safety net was the university at which I had earned tenure prior to the job I left, but even that presented its own set of challenges.  Now, I have one more semester before I make my May promise a reality.  As of this May, I will be, for all intents and purposes, unemployed.  Not retired, because I won’t be collecting any retirement, but on sabbatical from the working world for a while. I am excited and scared shitless at the same time. And so, my therapy continues.  I also face surgery at the end of this month which will leave me pretty incapacitated for six weeks.  I don’t do helpless well.  But I have been prepping for that down time and hoping to make the most of it.

I am currently taking stock and shedding. I have spent the past several months looking into my dark places, both figuratively and literally.  I started small with the “junk drawer” and have moved on to all of those closets and cupboards and boxes and drawers that have been accumulating stuff over the past couple of decades.  I have been re-evaluating what I need and appreciating what I have, and I realize that I have no need for many of the “things” (both literal and figurative) I have been holding onto.  So, purging has been my main activity.  Purging my mind, my house and even my body with a 3-day cleanse.  I have been reorganizing and reprioritizing in order to make space for whatever may be ahead…and I really don’t know what that is.  And I am really OK with that now.

I have discovered things that I forgot I had, internally and externally.  I am giving myself more creative license and also giving myself permission to just try things out without committing since my MO has been to take something on to mastery whether I really want to do it or not.  I am enjoying the “things” I have been finding in those out-of-sight places, and I don’t feel a need to gather in anything else, for the most part.  That accumulation of “stuff” made the little girl who grew up going without feel more secure, but the reality is I don’t need anything now.  And if I do, I have the power and the finances to acquire it.  So I am shedding all of those insecurities and rediscovering that I am in a safe and secure place, surrounded by only the things that make me happy and inspire me.

Little by little I will work my way through this house and garage, even though I am not really on a deadline.  I go where I am moved to go, and open the boxes that call to me. Right now, there is a large pink tote labeled “Michele’s Writing” sitting out and waiting for me to dig in and discover what I have set aside over the years. I look forward to the adventure.

Happy New Year.